Altova solutions
Being an official Altova partner for Bulgaria, ASAP offers you high efficient XML tools for data control, applications development and data integration.
Altova software products
Altova is a software company, offering full range of software for developing XML, SQL, and UML solutions, as well as high effective tools for workflow automation. ASAP is an official representative of Altova and offers XMLSpy® and all the rest of Altova’s software products.

Altova XMLSpy® 2025
Altova XMLSpy® 2025 is the most popular XML editor for modeling, editing, transforming and debugging in XML.

Altova Authentic® 2025
Altova Authentic® 2025 is a powerful instrument for reviewing and editing XML documents and SQL databases. It is available in desktop and web-based versions.

Altova CbC Reporting Solution®
Altova CbC Reporting Solution® is Country by Country Reporting Solution allowing you to filing organizations to easily generate CbC XML - either by entering data manually via a friendly web interface or by uploading the data using an Excel template.

Altova DatabaseSpy® 2025
Altova DatabaseSpy® 2025 is an application for clients databases, which eases the queries, managing, comparison, projecting and building relational databases.

Altova DiffDog® 2025
Altova DiffDog® 2025 is a program for file merging and splitting, directories synchronizing and making comparisons between database schemas and tables.

FlowForce Server® 2025
FlowForce Server® 2025 is a program for automating data transformation, reports and other tasks performed by servers, virtual machines or workstations.

Altova LicenseServer®
Altova LicenseServer® - is a FREE product that simplifies license management and allows you to maximize the investment you have made in Altova software products.

Altova MapForce® 2025
Altova MapForce® 2025 is a visual tool for data mapping. It supports integration between XML, databases, EDI, XBRL, text files, Excel, JSON, and/or Web service.

Altova MapForce Server® 2025
Altova MapForce Server® 2025 includes the built-in data transformation engine developed for MapForce and is greatly enhanced to operate in server environments.

Altova MissionKit® 2025
Altova MissionKit® 2025 is a software development suite of industrial-strength XML, SQL, and UML tools for information architects and application developers.

Altova MobileTogether®
MobileTogether® combines easy-to-use functionality for creating elegant apps with an affordable price that includes unlimited developers, unlimited apps, and unlimited users.

Altova RaptorXML Server® 2025
Altova RaptorXML Server® 2025 is the third generation XML processor from Altova – wholly rewritten and implemented from scratch and optimized for parallel computing.

Altova SchemaAgent® 2025
Altova SchemaAgent® 2025 is a visionary tool for analyzing and managing relationships between XML-based files.

Altova StyleVision® 2025
Altova StyleVision® 2025 is a tool for designing reports and templates, based on XML, SQL databases and XBRL inputs.

Altova StyleVision Server® 2025
StyleVision Server renders XML, SQL databases, and/or XBRL data into HTML, RTF, PDF, or Microsoft Word files based on StyleVision stylesheets and supporting design elements defined using StyleVision.

Altova UModel® 2025
UModel® 2025 is an application for easy UML modeling with rich visual interface and specifications.

Altova Work in Process (WIP) XBRL add-in for Excel
The Altova Work in Process (WIP) XBRL add-in за Excel makes it easy to create valid XBRL WIP reports with simply entering the information in Excel.

Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL Add-in for Excel
Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL Add-in for Excel allows the financial specialists to easily create XBRL models in Excel, according to all EBA XBRL Filing Rules.
Altova licenses
Altova offers various options for licensing its software products. Learn more about the different types of licenses available and choose the type that best suits your needs. Being an official Altova’s partner, ASAP offers all different types of Altova’s licensing tools.
Installed user
The license allows you to install and use one copy of the software on each compatible computer until you reach the number of permitted installations. This number of permitted computers is determined by the number of purchased user/s license/s. For example, if you buy 5 installed users license, you can install and start the software on 5 computers and all 5 users can use it at the same time any moment.
Important – Please, consider that there could be delay before you could use this software product with unique license key, as it is generated upon the data, collected from the order. The license key will be sent via e-mail as soon as possible, and meanwhile the products will be used with temporary license.
Named user
The license allows you to install the software on maximum 5 compatible personal computers or workstations, where only the user named in the license key code may use the software. This allows a user to switch from one computer to the other as necessary, provided that only one instance of the software is used at the same time. If you buy several Named licenses, each Named User will get a separate license key code.
Important – Please, consider that there could be delay before you could use this software product with unique license key, as it is generated upon the data, collected from the order. The license key will be sent via e-mail as soon as possible, and meanwhile the products will be used with temporary license.
Concurrent User
The license allows you to install the software on up to 10 times the license number, provided that only the licensed number of people use the software at the same time. The permitted number of concurrent users has to be determined upon purchasing the software. For example, if you purchase a 5 Concurrent User license, you may install the software on up to 50 computers /the permitted users number 5 multiplied by 10 equals 50/. Although the software can be installed on 50 computers, it could be used on up to 5 computers at the same time /for the example given/.
Important – Please, consider that there could be delay before you could use this software product with unique license key, as it is generated upon the data, collected from the order. The license key will be sent via e-mail as soon as possible, and meanwhile the products will be used with temporary license.
Annual Per Server
Altova server products are licensed per year, per server, based on the number of cores available on the machine. You must obtain a separate license key code for each server. The number of cores licensed must be greater than or equal to the number of cores available on the server, whether it's a physical or virtual machine. For example, if a server has 8 cores, you must purchase at least an 8-core license.
Important – Please, consider that there could be delay before you could use this software product with unique license key, as it is generated upon the data, collected from the order. The license key will be sent via e-mail as soon as possible, and meanwhile the products will be used with temporary license.
Do you want to learn more? You can reach us at or phone: +359 2 903 21 20.