
ASAP is the biggest based in Sofia SAP training provider. The company is an official SAP Education Partner. ASAP is the only SAP partner providing original educational materials both in Bulgarian and in English. ASAP provides the following services:

SAP for Beginners

SAP for Beginners

SAP training has never been so close to you

SAP01 is the basic course for business consultants, which is an obligatory level for all SAP trainings regardless of the specific module.

SAP Training for Companies

SAP Training for Companies

We will follow you on the path to success

Improve your business results by investing in appropriate training for your employees.



Accredit your skills

SAP certification is the ideal way to assess and verify your SAP solution skills. We are here to make you happy.

Original SAP AG materials

Preconfigured SAP AG systems

Best prices on the Balkans

Schedule of courses

Code Course Name Start Date Duration
SAP01 SAP Overview Q1/2023 2 days
BC400 ABAP Workbench Foundations Q1/2023 5 days
AC200 Basics of Customizing for Financial Accounting: General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable Q1/2023 5 days
SCM500 Processes in Procurement Q2/2023 5 days
SCM600 Business Process in Sales and Distribution Q2/2023 5 days
SAP01 SAP Overview Q2/2023 2 days

Do you want to learn more? You can reach us at education@asap.bg or phone: 02/ 903 21 20.