Certification Levels

When you are SAP certified, you join a distinguished community of experts recognized throughout the business world. Today, more than 140,000 consultants and users worldwide are part of this community.

What we offer you?

SAP certification is the ideal way for organizations to assess and verify their consultants’ or employees’ expertise and ensure that they have the skills required to effectively implement and operate SAP solutions.

SAP certified community is demanding, even more, opportunities for continuous learning and career-advancing certification tracks. You can get certified in one of the following levels:

Associate Certification

This certification covers the fundamental knowledge requirements for a SAP consultant, ensuring the successful acquisition of broad SAP solution knowledge and skills. With associate-level certification, you can:

  • Gain an externally-recognized mark of excellence that clients seek

  • Differentiate yourself in a crowded marketplace

  • Execute your tasks with confidence and skill

Professional Certification

This advanced certification requires proven project experience, business process knowledge, and a more detailed understanding of SAP solutions. With professional-level certification, you can:

  • Demonstrate both your experience and your expertise through a rigorous testing process

  • Promote a more globally applicable accreditation with higher billable rates

  • Lead as well as execute tasks and engagements

Master Certification

Requires demonstrated expertise regarding specific aspects of SAP software functionality and technology, as well as the ability to drive innovation and solution optimization that meet an organization’s technical and business requirements

No matter what level of certification you engage, SAP certification delivers value to individuals and organizations seeking a mark of excellence you need to be competitive in today's marketplace.

Do you want to learn more? You can reach us at education@asap.bg or phone: 02/ 903 21 20.