Center for vocational training “ASAP” Ltd. is established with Order № 4/ 03.01.2012, issued by the president of NAVET – Mr. Deyan Pushkarov. The license is under the following number: 201112944.
What we offer you?
Principles of CVT “ASAP” Ltd:
Perform its activities with compliance to the active legislation of Republic of Bulgaria;
Establish partnerships with state and local authorities, chambers, NGOs, vocational and research organizations, active social groups;
The CVT doesn’t tolerate any forms of direct or indirect discrimination.
The main tasks of CVT “ASAP” Ltd are as follows:
To provide and certify vocational trainings of unemployed and employed over the age of 16 with acquiring a vocational qualification degree.
To provide high quality trainings, which consist of combination of excellent theoretical preparation and practical exercises.

Do you want to learn more? You can reach us at education@asap.bg or phone: 02/ 903 21 20.