
Center for vocational training “ASAP” Ltd. is established with Order № 4/ 03.01.2012, issued by the president of NAVET – Mr. Deyan Pushkarov. The license is under the following number: 201112944.

What we offer you?

Principles of CVT “ASAP” Ltd:

  • Perform its activities with compliance to the active legislation of Republic of Bulgaria;

  • Establish partnerships with state and local authorities, chambers, NGOs, vocational and research organizations, active social groups;

  • The CVT doesn’t tolerate any forms of direct or indirect discrimination.

The main tasks of CVT “ASAP” Ltd are as follows:

  • To provide and certify vocational trainings of unemployed and employed over the age of 16 with acquiring a vocational qualification degree.

  • To provide high quality trainings, which consist of combination of excellent theoretical preparation and practical exercises.

Do you want to learn more? You can reach us at education@asap.bg or phone: 02/ 903 21 20.