If you want to have a high qualified IT professional always at your disposal, but do not want to hire new employees, ASAP has the right decision. We can offer you one of our experts to work at your office full-time.
More and more companies become aware of the growing demands to have a full-time IT professional to help them through the working process. As we realize those demands and we know perfectly well that these companies do not need just computer support, but an experienced technician and consultant always at hand, we developed the special service, called “rent an IT professional”. If you choose to take advantage of this service, we will send you a highly qualified expert, whose working place will be right at your office. All IT professionals for rent are employees of ASAP and have employment contracts. The main advantages of our service are:
Based on our rich experience in the IT area and IT professionals recruiting, we, at ASAP, believe that we will choose just the right person to fully meets your expectations. In case, you need to exchange one IT professional with another one, you need only to contact your account manager.
As the expert will be situated at your office, you will get professional help immediately, with no need to wait till the IT professional is dealing with other customers’ problems.
If you choose to take advantage of this service, we will send you a highly qualified expert, whose working place will be right at your office. At the same time, he is a part and employee at ASAP and will have all the necessary equipment to perform his activities, including full access to ASAP helpdesk system. This will guarantee to you second and third level of support, in case the expert at your office is not able to resolve the problem by himself, he will be able to escalate it over to his colleagues for help.
If you settle to work with us, you will pay exactly as much as you get from our service. Our service will not have holidays, will not get ill and will not quit. When you pay for having IT professional at your disposal for 12 months, you will have it just for 12 months. If the IT expert at your office is necessary to be away for certain amount of time, we will send you immediately another expert to cover his absence. He will be acquainted in advance with all the specificities of your business and there will be no need to be trained and to lose time in getting to know your company.
Every company has been at least one time faced a situation when one needs extra people to finish a project on time. Hiring new employees for short period of time is not a good solution. In the same time, if you choose our service to rent IT specialist from ASAP, you will have just as many professionals at your disposal as you need for the specific project. For example, you need to change all operating systems on the computers in your organization and you need it to happen very fast, but you do not have enough people to achieve it on time. If this happens, we will send you some more IT specialist, so that the migration is done in short time and there will be no need to interrupt the working process.
All our customers, who has already chosen to use the service “Rent an IT professional”, get 10% discount for all hardware, bought from ASAP. *
Do you want to learn more? You can reach us at sales@asap.bg or phone: +359 2 903 21 20.