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Five tools how to reduce your expenses, when performing online meetings
Nowadays, all companies have something in common – they are constantly looking for ways to reduce their expenses. No matter how big is your business, it is sure that you want to increase your staffs’ efficiency, as well as your workflows’.
According to researches, the busiest employees, dealing with everyday business tasks, participate in more than 60 meetings monthly. Some people still believe in the power of face-to-face meetings, but practice shows that their performing is not always possible, especially when we speak about companies with many branches, global customers or remotely working employees. Many more companies realize that the online meetings are as efficient as the personal face-to-face meetings, or at least most of them are.
Here are 5 of the reasons, why you will save means, if you make online meetings:
- You can use only one application for audio and video call, online chat, etc. When you use only one application to perform an online meeting, you will reduce the risks for mistakes and will help your employees to get used to working with it faster, You will not need to perform numerous trainings and will save time.
- You can reduce the total number of meetings, by adding more people in a virtual session. If you choose the proper application, you will be able to add more peeple in one single call and to communicate with them distantly, no matter where they are situated. You will use more efficiently the time of your employees, when you allow them to connect no matter if they are at home or on a trip. And saved time means higher productivity.
- You reduce the number of trips. According to market researches, a personal meeting with five participants will cost seven times more than an audio conference and three times more than a video call. Some application features like screen sharing, online chat and video conferment call reduce considerably the needs for business trips.
- The online meetings give the employees the opportunities to communicate remotely and thus reduce the expenses. If you have employees, who work remotely, you will save office space, office consumables and materials. In fact, according to a statistics made by Global Workplace Analytics, the business can save big amount of resources, if part of the stuff works from home half of the time. The investment you will made to get an application for performing online meetings is trifling compared to the expenses you can save.
- You can make international calls with smaller resources. If you want to perform an international connection, the price could be more than just high. The proper application for online meetings will help you save from expensive phone calls.
Now, when you are well acquainted with the advantages of online meetings, you are probably facing the choice of the best application for your organization. You can start your research by checking the following features:
- Does it allow connection with customers, who use different application?
- What is the maximum number of participants in one meeting?
- Is it easy to integrate the application with your existing software?
- Is it safe, does it protect your calls by authentication and encryption?
- Does it allow access through different devices or from different locations?
- Do you have possibilities to manage your employees’ accounts, so that you can choose different settings for each account, according to their needs?
The online-based video meetings more and more substitute the traditional face-to-face meetings. Make the step – your employees and your budget will thank you for that. The ASAPIT’s professionals will help you make the proper choice.
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