Microsoft Azure now offers patent troll IP protection

Microsoft Azure now offers patent troll IP protection


The progress of cloud technologies constantly creates new opportunities and ideas, enabling the business to transform the way of providing products and services to their customers. And exactly this transformation digitizes each sector of the economy and face up the companies afore the new legal challenges.
For Microsoft one of the world's leading developer of personal-computer software systems and applications defined as the main challenges in the cloud is the risk of patent trolling. The company has over 20 years experience and legal infrastructure for managing similar risks. To protect the intellectual property to its customers, Microsoft develops a new solution called Microsoft Azure IP Advantage.

This program supports the community that power of the innovation and the investment in the Cloud-based app is rather essential. Microsoft Azure IP Advantage, enabling software developers to focus on coding and businesses to be able to support the needs of its customers, without worrying about lawsuits.
This is a goal, in which Microsoft believes deserves more attention. The cloud holds unlimited potential. According to Gartner – a survey company, the cloud will generate over a $ 1 billion IT expenses till 2020, offering one incredible economy opportunity for the consumers and businesses all over the world.
But also it is important to draw attention to the rising risk of intellectual property lawsuits in the cloud. Over the past five years in the USA, there has been a 22% rise in cloud-based litigation, according to Boston Consulting group. Patent assertion entities have increased their acquisition of cloud-related patents by 35%.
To defend the users of Microsoft Azure IP Advantage, the program will include the following advantages:
Intellectual property protection with uncapped indemnification coverage now will also cover any open source technology that powers Microsoft Azure services.
Azure customers could rely on any of 10,000 Microsoft patents free of charge to deter legal threats against them.
The customers that have an Azure usage of $1000 USD per month, will become eligible for Microsoft Azure IP Advantage for free.

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